Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another New Book - Prevention Effectiveness

We have another new book in the Library. This one was recommended by Nishant Shah M.D. and is entitled:

Prevention Effectiveness : A Guide to Decision Analysis and Economic Evaluation (2003).

The editors are Anne Haddix, Steven Teutsch, and Phaedra Corso. The book "introduces the reader to the concepts of decision and economic analysis" and "applies these methods to public health situations".

It's located in our Public Health section and the call number is:


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Book -- Culture & Clinical Care

Our patient population is culturally diverse. Here's a new resource that will help you provide care that is responsive to that diversity. It's a book recommended by Dr. Jon Stanger:

Culture & Clinical Care
Edited by Juliene Lipson and Suzanne Dibble
UCSF Nursing Press

This new edition has been updated and expanded to appeal to "all clinicians and healthcare providers". It features information on 35 ethnic groups and includes reference lists for further reading.

You'll find it in our Public Health section. The call number is:
